There were no new wars four years ago - now we have two. Deterrence through strength starts at the top, and we need to reestablish respect for the US’s presence on the world stage. For instance, China (or any other country) should be terrified of flagrantly flying spy balloons across our country.

Embrace the principle of "peace through strength" to safeguard our nation’s security and interests. Gregg recognizes the importance of maintaining a strong and capable military to deter threats and protect American lives and values.

Promote Peace & Prosperity

By projecting strength and resolve on the global stage, Gregg aims to deter aggression and promote peace and prosperity at home and abroad. A strong and resolute America serves as a deterrent to those who seek to undermine our nation’s security and stability.

Strategic Deployment

Prioritize smart technology and agile military resources to achieve objectives with minimal risk to our armed forces. Gregg advocates for precision targeting and strategic planning to address global challenges while minimizing the need for large-scale military interventions.

Alliance Coordination

Ensure close coordination with allies, particularly within NATO, to address international challenges effectively. Gregg believes in unity among like-minded nations to confront common threats and promote stability and security worldwide.

Strategic Foreign Aid

Link foreign aid to accountable and tangible objectives that align with our national security interests. Gregg advocates for a results-driven approach to foreign assistance, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are invested wisely to promote stability and security in regions of strategic importance.

Swift Retribution

Respond swiftly and decisively to any attack on America or Americans with overwhelming retribution. Gregg believes in sending a clear message to adversaries that aggression against the United States will not be tolerated and will be met with swift and severe consequences.

In an ever-changing world, Gregg is steadfast in his commitment to prioritize national security and forge strategic alliances, ensuring a safer and more resilient America for future generations. Gregg believes that our brave armed forces should only be called upon when our nation or national interests need protection. An attack on America or Americans anywhere in the world must bring swift and overwhelming retribution.

Enhance National Security

Reduce reliance on foreign sources for critical goods and services to bolster national security. Gregg prioritizes domestic production of essential items like medical supplies, electronics, and pharmaceuticals to mitigate vulnerability to supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions. By investing in domestic manufacturing and innovation, we can safeguard our nation's security interests while promoting economic prosperity.

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