Due to the inflationary economy, our current leaders have steered us all into, basic things feel unaffordable, regardless of what the media tells us. Let’s face it, they, along with our representatives in Congress, sold us the Inflation Reduction Act (which had very little to do with combating inflation). Instead, it pushed the “Green Agenda,” printed more money than ever before, and spent our tax dollars ineffectively, which made necessities (such as groceries and gas) even more unaffordable. The government can’t just keep printing money since all that does is make the money in our pockets worth even less. What we really need is a combination of short-term measures to alleviate immediate cost pressures and long-term strategies to address underlying factors contributing to inflation.

Here’s what I believe needs to be done:

Tax Relief

Gregg recognizes the everyday challenges faced by American families as prices for essential goods and services escalate. By advocating for responsible fiscal policies and measures to control inflation, we will ensure that hard-working Americans can afford life's necessities without undue financial strain. I would provide tax relief or incentives targeted at reducing the cost burden on consumers, and tackle rising costs by implementing policies that ensure economic stability.

Investments in Infrastructure (That Actually Works)

Investing in renewable energy infrastructure and alternative fuels was supposed to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and help stabilize energy prices over the long term. It has not done that. Just look at the Obama administration’s corn ethanol investment disaster and My Opponent’s incompetent blunder in the electric car-battery recycling industry with his much-touted Li-Cycle $284 million government grant. Instead, let’s let the market decide and promote growth in local industries that consumers say they actually want, not what the government forces us into. While we are still developing renewable energy technologies, we must also help alleviate the heavy burden on lower-income Americans by making gas as cheap as possible by increasing the supply of oil.

That’s how we should reduce inflation, but we still need to put more dollars into everyday American’s pockets. To do that, we need to:

Revitalize American Manufacturing

Encourage businesses to keep operations within the United States by providing incentives, and fostering confidence in the American workforce's exceptional talent and work ethic. Gregg is committed to revitalizing domestic manufacturing across various industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. By offering tax incentives and easing regulatory burdens, we can stimulate investment in American workers and facilities, fortifying our economy and enhancing national security.

Empower Small Businesses

Instead of hiring 85,000 IRS agents, we should hire 85,000 SBA business loan originators and customer service reps. We ought to support the backbone of our economy by providing small businesses with the necessary tools and resources to flourish. Gregg acknowledges the critical role small businesses play in driving innovation, creating jobs, and fueling economic growth. Through targeted support programs, improved access to capital, and streamlined regulations, we can cultivate a thriving small business ecosystem that benefits communities nationwide.

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