Vetting immigrants is a critical aspect of managing the immigration process responsibly and effectively. While providing refuge to those fleeing persecution or seeking better opportunities are fundamental American values, ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens and our communities must remain paramount. Vetting procedures serve as a necessary safeguard to identify individuals who may pose national security risks or have criminal backgrounds. By conducting thorough background checks, including screening for potential ties to extremist groups or criminal activities, governments can mitigate security threats and uphold public safety.

Our business community needs the right kind of workers. Immigrants bring a diverse range of skills, talents, and experiences to the workforce, enriching the talent pool and fostering innovation. Many immigrants possess expertise in fields such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), healthcare, and other industries that are in high demand. And it’s true that immigrants often exhibit strong work ethic, motivation, and determination, driven by their aspirations for a better life for themselves and their families. Many immigrants are willing to take on challenging or low-skilled jobs and demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. As it turns out, immigrants also have a higher propensity for entrepreneurship compared to native-born populations. Many immigrants start businesses, create jobs, and drive economic growth through innovation and creativity. Immigrant entrepreneurs contribute to the vitality of local economies and bring fresh perspectives to industries, while keeping the dollar local, longer.

Moreover, vetting immigrants helps uphold the integrity of immigration systems and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently. By assessing applicants' qualifications, skills, and potential contributions to the host society, countries can prioritize those who are most likely to positively contribute to their economies and communities.

Protecting Our Nation, Preserving Our Future

Implement a comprehensive approach to border security by establishing an impervious border with physical barriers, innovative technology, and increased surveillance where necessary. This includes the construction of a permanent and robust barrier to deter illegal crossings, and protect our sovereignty, while also creating a streamlined avenue for legal immigration into our country. We also need to bolster our border patrol personnel with the necessary resources and manpower to enforce federal law at our borders effectively. This entails increasing the number of trained agents and providing them with advanced technology and equipment to combat illegal immigration and criminal activity.

Ending Catch & Release While Streamlining Asylum Processes

Enforce regulated entry at checkpoints for non-commercial transit, replacing the ineffective “catch and release” policy with swift detention and deportation for those who enter the country illegally. This ensures that our immigration system prioritizes legal pathways while deterring unlawful entry.

Enhance asylum seeker screening and processing at designated U.S. consulates in Mexico and other non-hostile countries. Legitimate cases will be promptly referred to U.S. Immigration Services for expedited processing, ensuring a fair and efficient system for those fleeing persecution.

Securing Trade Routes to Combat Drug Trafficking

Establish exclusive commercial entry and exit points to facilitate lawful trade while preventing the infiltration of illegal goods and human trafficking. By separating legitimate commerce from illicit activities, we safeguard American businesses and promote economic prosperity. Collaborate with Latin American and South American countries to dismantle local drug cartels through a strategic “carrot and stick” approach. This involves providing incentives for cooperation while imposing strict consequences for offenders, leading to tangible and sustainable results in the fight against drug trafficking.

Expanding Market Access

Increase access to Latin and South American markets for American goods and services, fostering economic growth and opportunities for U.S. businesses. Strengthening trade ties with our neighbors reduces reliance on foreign markets like China and bolsters regional stability.

A stronger economy in Latin America will help lessen the pressure for people to immigrate to the US.

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